Wealth & Finance International - January 2017

51 January 2017 The ongoing trend of acquisition within the alternative investment technology industry represents a significant opportunity for the London office to continue increasing its marketplace presence. As more prod- ucts lapse in being maintained after acquisition, firms will be looking for a platform that is able to scale and adapt to evolving operational needs. Dynamo Software’s product development focus and customer-centric philosophy ensure that clients benefit from robust, relevant functionality. This focus on improving the user experience is evident in the recently released 7.0 update, which incorporates a commercial-grade API, single sign-on capabilities, and front-end enhancements that streamline performance on significantly configured systems. Dynamo Software plans to capitalise on the gains made in Europe by the UK office by promoting original commentary and research aimed at the European alternative investment industry, and maintaining a consistent presence at European industry events for general and limited partners. Firms interested in learning about Dynamo Software and remaining up-to-date on the company’s developments can visit www.dynamosoftware.com Company: Dynamo Software – London Office Web Address: www.dynamosoftware.com Address: Moor Place, 1 Fore Street, 6th Floor, London, UK EC2Y 5EJ Telephone: +44 (0)20 7193 9004

http://www.scefi.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.invescopowershares.com/ http://www.emmwealth.com/ http://www.scefi.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.invescopowershares.com/ http://www.emmwealth.com/ http://www.scefi.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.invescopowershares.com/ http://www.emmwealth.com/ http://www.scefi.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.dynamosoftware.com/ http://www.invescopowershares.com/ http://www.emmwealth.com/