Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015

www.wealthandfinance-intl.com 59 Old Mutual Alternative Investments Best in Alternative Investments - Africa & Portfolio Manager of the Year - South Africa Old Mutual Alternative Investments is Africa’s largest alternative investment manager with more than R55.2 billion (US$5 billion) under management across infrastructure, private equity and development impact funds. Company: Old Mutual Alternative Investments Email: [email protected] Web address: Oldmutualalternatives.com Address: Mutual park, Jan Smuts Drive, Pinelands, 7405, South Africa Telephone: 021 509 5022 Old Mutual Alternative Investments manages assets for a variety of insti- tutional investors including development finance institutions, insurance companies, pension funds and retail investors. This vast client base has provided us with a unique insight into the African investor market, which we draw upon for every project we work on. Africa, according to the African Development Bank requires $93 billion a year to 2020 to meets its infrastructure needs and only half of that will be met by fiscal or bilateral funding. This is creating an appreciation of and the need for private sector funding. As a leading developer and manager of infrastructure projects across Africa, we feel we are sell suited to partner with governments to develop key projects and assist them to unlock their latent growth potential. Cross border and regional trade is expanding rapidly complementing the long term growth of international trade - the result is a growing mid- dle class requiring goods and services that businesses are expanding to take advantage of. This growth potential is attracting significant inter- national capital which is competitively bidding across Africa and brings financial innovation to previously capital constrained economies. International and domestic investors are increasingly considering ESG factors and including explicit ESG criteria in their investment cases. As a responsible investor and signatory to the UNPRI, Old Mutual is well positioned to partner both investors and portfolio companies. Emerging markets’ currency volatility along with depressed resource pricing has seen much of the hot money leave Africa; it is our view that assets are increasingly attractively priced. Consequently, we are opti- mistic that infrastructure and private equity are well positioned to meet investors’ expectations. Moving forward we are excited by an opportunity to develop a range of public-private partnerships in Africa, because we know we can create value for investors, while making a tangible contribution to African econo- mies and communities. Given Africa’s infrastructure needs we see signif- icant opportunity for experienced infrastructure managers such as African Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM), our infrastructure subsidiary. AIIM is recognised as one of Africa’s market leaders in infrastructure transaction execution and asset management and is increasingly seen as a partner of choice by infrastructure investors and developers. Our experience in PPP power generation projects (solar, wind and thermal) fits neatly into Africa’s need for power.

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